How to register

Step one: Create a Profile
If you’re not a registered user, you must first create a profile to regsiter for classes. It’s easy and only takes a few seconds. After you’ve registered you’ll receive a confirmation email and you can register for your class online.

Step two: Sign in
After you’ve created a profile, you can login. Once you log in you will see your student home page listing classes you’ve taken, pending classes, you can view your transcript, etc.

Step three: Locate a class
Next search for the class you’d like to take. You can do this by viewing our course page and the calendar of classes. You can also search using the search box.

Step four: Sign up!
Once you’ve found your class, click it to register. You will then be able to pay for your class immediately or if you are a contracted partner, you will be able to enter your employee information.

Paramedic Program Outcomes
Accredited Paramedic Programs track and report outcome measures annually to the Committee on Accreditation for the Emergency Medical Services Professions.
For 2022, the success rate for the National Registry of EMT Paramedic Cognitive exam was 95.9% (first three attempts) and 79.8% first time. For 2022, the success rate for positive placement rate for graduates was 95.9%. Positive placement is defined by the CoAEMSP as ‘Employed full or part-time in a related field and/or continuing his/her education and/or serving in the military’. Positive placement is measured at completion of the program. For 2022, the success rate for retention rate was 84.5%
For 2021, the success rate for the National Registry of EMT Paramedic Cognitive exam was 80% (first three attempts) and 61.9% first time. For 2021, the success rate for positive placement rate for graduates was 80%. Positive placement is defined by the CoAEMSP as ‘Employed full or part-time in a related field and/or continuing his/her education and/or serving in the military’. Positive placement is measured at completion of the program. For 2021, the success rate for retention rate was 79.7%